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Procedure for posting a cash transaction to a journal account

what is cash transaction

If a payment is made on the day of purchase or sales (due date), it is a cash transaction


Transaction entry

05/12/20 goods purchased from RK traders $450 on cash

cash transaction is not only the cash in hand but also the cash in bank. If the transaction is done through a bank, it should be recorded in the bank account or if the transaction is done through the cash in hand, it should be recorded in the cash account

    #  The name of the person is not required for the cash transaction (person A/C )

    #   If it is a cash transaction, you need to know whether the cash comes in (debit) or cash goes out(credit) ( real A/C )

    #   you need to know the type of the transaction and where to post for it (debit or credit) (nominal account)

  The raw material were bought on the 04/02/20 by giving €1200 to Nemiex

personal account not required for cash transaction .cash or bank A/C and nominal A/C (type of transaction) needed most importantly

    ▶   first step : The name of the person is not required for the cash transaction

    ▶   The cash goes out so credit cash A/C

    ▶   This is the type of the purchase and the debit posting so debit raw material A/C

04/02/2020 raw material A/C D 1200
to cash A/C 1200
Purchased raw material on cash

   The electricity bill was paid through the service of an net bank 05/01/20 $100

    ▶   first step : The name of the person is not required for the cash transaction

    ▶   The cash goes out so credit bank A/C

    ▶   This is the type of the expenses and the debit posting so debit electricity bill A/C

05/01/2020 electricity bill A/C D 100
to bank A/C 100
electricity bill paid on net bank

   The company suffered a loss due to the fire and was given a $5000 check to repair it 07/21/21

    ▶   first step : The name of the person is not required for the cash transaction

    ▶   The cash goes out so credit bank A/C

    ▶   This is the type of the loss and the debit posting so debit loss on fire A/C

07/21/21 loss on fire A/C D 5000
to bank A/C 5000
loss due to the fire and was given a check to repair it

   The goods were sold to the customer for $2300 (The cash was received through the bank) 04/28/23

    ▶   first step : The name of the person is not required for the cash transaction

    ▶   The cash comes in so debit bank A/C

    ▶   This is the type of the sales and the credit posting so credit sales of goods A/C

04/28/23bank A/C D 2300
to sales of goods A/C 2300
The goods were sold for Cash

   Received $4200 for brokerage 08/08/22 (bank)

    ▶   first step : The name of the person is not required for the cash transaction

    ▶   The cash comes in so debit bank A/C

    ▶   This is the type of the income and the credit posting so credit brokerage Received A/C

08/08/22bank A/C D 4200
to brokerage Received A/C 4200
brokerage Received (bank)

   Capital gain of $8000 was obtained from the sale of the machine or Profit of $8000 on sale of machine 12/13/24 (bank)

    ▶   first step : The name of the person is not required for the cash transaction

    ▶   The cash comes in so debit bank A/C

    ▶   This is the type of the gain and the credit posting so credit Profit on sale of machine A/C

12/13/24bank A/C D 8000
to Profit on sale of machine A/C 8000
Profit on sale of machine (bank)

It is better to recorded a cash transaction as a bank account than as a cash account, because in modern times most transactions take place through the bank.

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