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What Is Difference Between Debtors And Creditors

Debtors And Creditors-man-body-image


The company receives goods & services without giving cash and the company receives cash without giving goods & services then the company receives cash by Giving securities, These are all credit activities in which people involved are called creditors


The company gives goods & services without receiving cash and the company gives cash without receiving goods & services then the company Gives cash by receiving securities, These are all credit activities in which people involved are called debtors.

Why the term Creditors & debtors is used in accounting

If more than three names are involved in a transaction, they must record something they mention instead of the name and Instead of a person's the name he can record related documents which will be taken as his name in the personal account. For example, a company may have multiple creditors and not each name can be recorded in the final account, so one word will be specifically recorded (creditors)

This is a frequent use of the account to make the account easier to understand

The example for Creditors and debtors is given below / You can find both examples on the same page by click the Creditors & debtors options below



example of creditors transaction

Company Receives Goods & Services Without Giving Cash

          04/11/20 goods were purchased from Helen ong $2000 on credit

          04/16/20 Unpaid Freight Truck Charge To David Freight Truck Services P,LTD $600

   Company Receives cash Without Giving Goods & Services

          05/22/20 The rent received in Advance from Valuable Rent Services Company Is $210

          05/27/20 $500 was received in advance for the distribution of goods to Mahad jan

   Company Receives Cash By Giving Securities

          06/04/20 MC bank loan $5000 on machinery

04/11/20 purchase A/C D 2000
to Helen Ong A/C 2000
goods were purchased from Helen ong on credit
04/16/20 Freight Truck Charge A/C D 600
to David Freight Truck Services P,LTD A/C 600
unpaid Freight Truck Charge

05/22/20 bank A/C D 210
to Valuable Rent Services Company A/C 210
Rent Received In Advance
05/27/20 bank A/C D 500
to Mahad Jan A/C 500
Mahad Jan paid advance

06/04/20 bank A/C D 5000
to M/C bank loan A/C 5000
bank loan

ledger A/C

Helen Ong A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 2000 04/11/20 by Purchase A/C 2000
2000 2000
03/31/21 balance b/d 2000
David Freight Truck Services P,LTD A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 600 06/04/20 by Freight Truck Charge A/C 600
600 600
03/31/21 balance b/d 600
Valuable Rent Services Company A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 210 06/04/20 by bank A/C 210
210 210
03/31/21 balance b/d 210
Mahad Jan A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 500 06/04/20 by bank A/C 500
500 500
03/31/21 balance b/d 500
MC bank A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 5000 06/04/20 by bank A/C 5000
5000 5000
03/31/21 balance b/d 5000

example of Debtors transaction

Company Giving Goods & Services Without Receiving Cash

          07/01/20 The goods were sold on credit to Alex for $1400

          07/10/20 accrued rent from Walton place Services $800

   Company Giving cash Without Receiving Goods & Services

          08/17/20 Sharman Lina was paid Rs 400 in advance. For food supply

          08/23/20 Goods were bought from Bablu for $7000 and $7900 were paid..

   Company Giving Cash By Receives Securities.

          09/29/20 The Carl borrowed $4000 from company (based on home security)

07/11/20 Alex A/C D 1400
to sales A/C 1400
Goods Were Sold On Credit To Alex

07/16/20 Walton Place Services A/C D 800
to rent recived A/C 800
Accrued Rent

08/17/20 Sharman Lina A/C D 400
to bank A/C 400
Sharman Lina Was Paid In Advance
08/23/20 purchase A/C D 7000
to Bablu A/C 7000
Goods Were Bought From Bablu
08/23/20 Bablu A/C D 7900
to bank A/C 7900
cash paid to Bablu
09/29/20 Carl A/C D 4000
to bank A/C 4000
Carl Borrowed (home Security)

Alex A/C
07/01/20 to sales A/C 140003/31/21 balance c/d 1400
1400 1400
03/31/21 balance b/d 1400
Walton Place Services A/C
07/10/20 to accrued rent A/C 80003/31/21 balance c/d 800
800 800
03/31/21 balance b/d 800
Sharman Lina A/C
08/17/20 to bank A/C 40003/31/21 balance c/d 400
400 400
03/31/21 balance b/d 400
Bablu A/C
08/23/20 to bank A/C 790008/23/20 purchase A/C 7000
03/31/21 balance c/d 900
900 900
03/31/21 balance b/d 900
Carl A/C
09/29/20 to bank A/C 400003/31/21 balance c/d 4000
4000 4000
03/31/21 balance b/d 4000

example of creditors transaction

Company Receives Goods & Services Without Giving Cash

          04/11/20 goods were purchased from Helen ong $2000 on credit

          04/16/20 Unpaid Freight Truck Charge To David Freight Truck Services P,LTD $600

   Company Receives cash Without Giving Goods & Services

          05/22/20 The rent received in Advance from Valuable Rent Services Company Is $210

          05/27/20 $500 was received in advance for the distribution of goods to Mahad jan

   Company Receives Cash By Giving Securities

          06/04/20 MC bank loan $5000 on machinery

04/11/20 purchase A/C D 2000
to Helen Ong A/C 2000
goods were purchased from Helen ong on credit
04/16/20 Freight Truck Charge A/C D 600
to David Freight Truck Services P,LTD A/C 600
unpaid Freight Truck Charge

05/22/20 bank A/C D 210
to Valuable Rent Services Company A/C 210
Rent Received In Advance
05/27/20 bank A/C D 500
to Mahad Jan A/C 500
Mahad Jan paid advance

06/04/20 bank A/C D 5000
to M/C bank loan A/C 5000
bank loan

ledger A/C

Helen Ong A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 2000 04/11/20 by Purchase A/C 2000
2000 2000
03/31/21 balance b/d 2000
David Freight Truck Services P,LTD A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 600 06/04/20 by Freight Truck Charge A/C 600
600 600
03/31/21 balance b/d 600
Valuable Rent Services Company A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 210 06/04/20 by bank A/C 210
210 210
03/31/21 balance b/d 210
Mahad Jan A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 500 06/04/20 by bank A/C 500
500 500
03/31/21 balance b/d 500
MC bank A/C
03/31/21 balance c/d 5000 06/04/20 by bank A/C 5000
5000 5000
03/31/21 balance b/d 5000

calculate Debtors and creditors
Helen Ong A/C 2000
David Freight Truck Services P,LTD A/C 600
Valuable Rent Services Company A/C A/C 210
Mahad Jan A/C A/C 500
MC Bank A/C A/C 5000
Alex A/C 1400
Walton Place Services A/C 800
Sharman Lina A/C 400
Bablu A/C 900
Carl A/C 4000





?    Why calculate creditors and debtors ?


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